Tuesday, April 29, 2008
NEW old dolls and flowers in the frost
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Busy Weekend
Well Barb and Jane, Brandon and Kaila arrived here on Thursday night around midnight. On Friday they decided we needed to go to the nursery and buy flowers. Off we went. I love going there but it is a little early in the season to plant all of them. Barb bought me a flat of yellow petunias and a flat of red and white impatience for mothers day. We brought all our flowers home and I potted my mother a pot for mothers day. This year I made all the flowers pink in it. I will keep it for a few weeks to get it growing before I take it to her. I bought the same to pot for my mother in law for mothers day but ran out of potting soil so I will get some this week at the store. Then Kaila and I planted some yellow petunias in a flower box and sat it back in place. I still have 3 huge geraniums to plant, some white flowers(?) for the hanging pots on the front porch, and some pretty pink flowers(?) for some pots. Still need to buy a flat of marigolds and a flat of red petunias and a flat of white petunias.
Then they went and got mom and dad while I got supper ready. We grilled hamburgers, baked french fries, and baked beans. Then we all sat on the front porch and just talked.
On Saturday my feet and legs hurt me very bad. They thought we needed to go shopping so I left with them and we went to Wertz's a local five and ten cent store we all love. They have the best fabrics for low prices. So I bought a whole bunch of fabrics and we left to go to a little craft store up the road. We found it boring and they had the same merchandise as when we were there 3 years ago. They wanted to go to Joann fabrics but my legs hurt too bad and I just wanted to get home and into bed with my feet and legs up. We passed by countryside crafts and decided to stop there. That was alright because I knew I could sit there and talk to Suzie and Linda(the owners) they were finishing up with their morning craft class so I bought a kit to make the project. A darling little pudgie flying a kite I can't wait to start her.
We came home then and they went over to mom and dads to see how dad was. He fell out of bed on Friday night so they just wanted to stay home. I went to bed and put my feet and legs up while they went there. They told me he was alright just scraped up. So relieved to hear that don't know if I could handle another crisis at the moment.
They left to go home after we got home from church this morning. It is now 9:20pm and they are still on the road. They got into HEAVY rain all the way home and could not see the highway in some places. So Barb had to drive Jane home that is another two hours from her house then pick David up and drive back home. I hope the girls never ever drive this way again. Or else leave early in the morning for home.
Don is doing a whole lot better and his leg is hurting less and less but he is still not allowed to lift for another week
We are getting cold weather this week and possible frost so it is good we didn't plant the flowers out yet.
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Finally another post
Friday, April 18, 2008
Earthquake sunny summerlike Friday
then I split some mums and planted them all around the edge of the front beds. Mums are one of my favorite flowers. After that we came in and took showers and plopped on the couch and chair. then I had to finish doing laundry and grilling chicken on the grill for dinner.
See my bradford pear tree in the front yard? This is the first year it has flowered. All the other years the flowers always froze before they bloomed. It is so pretty.
Well gonna go work on a raggedy doll.
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Scarecrows on the front porch
this is my fav time of year just right temps, sunny, and I love to craft out on the front porch and it is so relaxing.
Oh well always tomorrow
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
grocery day yuck
Well it was a beautiful day. I thought it was chilly because the wind . Well we ate lunch and then went to the grocery store.
Came home I cooked hamburgers on the grill, baked some french fries, and opened a can of baked beans. wallla dinner.
After dinner I went to my studio and I cleaned it. Ran the vacuum and dusted and put patterns and fabric away. Now I am ready to get out there and work.
well I was going to print my Sadie and Jinx pattern out tonight that Debbie from simple country blessings gave me and lol and behold I couldn't find it anyplace on my computer. So being the dear she is I was going to buy one but she is in my fav ebay group, Country&Primitive ladies group, and she resent me the pattern THANK YOU DEBBIE.
Well it is printed out now and tomorrow I hope to cut it out and sew it. Think they would be good to sell at my show the third week of October in the rotary tent behind the OLD Mill in Pidgeon Forge Tennessee
Ok tomorrow is another day toodles
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Sunny Tuesday at our house
Monday, April 14, 2008
Monday Monday da da da
Well today was another cold day. We are supposed to get a freeze or frost or something tonight. Warning we better cover our plants. Well I didn't I figure GOD is in control and if my plants die they die. They are all perennials so they usually come back. They froze last year, well the hostas did and they returned a little battered and their leaves had some damage but I just trimmed it off. The only flowers I have planted this year are my pansies and they seem to grow just fine even after they freeze. They just thaw themselves out and shake the ice off and bloom real pretty.
Today I got up late, around 9 o'clock and threw some laundry in the washer. I came out and flipped the computer on and then I checked all emails. Nothing that needed attention so I went and got dressed.
Well pretty soon it was lunch time so I made our dinner while I made my lunch.
I made a chicken noodle casserole and put it in the fridge to cook later tonight. After lunch we went to visit my mother in law. She is really depressed but I hope when the sun comes out again and the warm weather she will perk up a bit. It is not like her at all to be down. Well Carol, my sister in law, is coming to visit her this week. Carol and Skip live in Atlanta, Georgia and she is so much fun to be around so I know my mother in law will perk up when Carol gets here.
We did not eat our chicken noodle casserole for dinner we ate a big boy platter.
Don has been hungry for Frish's all week so we stopped on the way home and ate dinner(not one of my favs) but he likes it alot. The prices on the menu have gone up so much I doubt if we will be eating there again any time soon.
Well that is the "excitement" in grandma and grandpas life today.
I did work on a scarecrow head tonight and have his face "almost" embroidered on.
TaTa until tomorrow
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Today was a cold Sunday and I got cold in the car this week on the way to church. I even wore my winter coat today. It was a real good service. Rick is a great preacher and I enjoy his sermons very much.
we stopped at Long John Silvers on the way home and got two fish and more meals and brought them home. They were ok. After that I read the paper and then laid down on the bed to try to get warm. Next thing I knew it was an hour later that I got up. Nice nap.
We then got in the car and went to Wendy's and got my dad a cheeseburger kids meal, and mom fries. Then we went to the Dairy Queen and bought mom a peanut butter cup blizzard. Our usual take out for them on Sunday evenings. We took it over and Don fixed Dads computer while we were there. The computer was on mute that is why he could not get any sound. So don unmuted it and I played one of his many many music discs on it and it worked fine and dandy.
We visited until after 6pm and I was starting to get hungry so we came home and heated left over beef stew for dinner tonight and here I am.
Going to go over in my chair here in a minute and work on my scarecrow hats and faces.
Hope tomorrow is a sunny day I am ready to get out and work in the yard again and I HOPE to start walking a little. I really need to get about 20 pounds off .
I figure I will feel alot better too.
tootles and "see" you all tomorrow night.
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Cold Saturday at Grandpa and Grandma's
Brrrr.... what happened to spring? This has been a very cold, boring day at our house. We are replacing all the doors in our house so Don worked on that all day today. I think he has them all on now and just needs to put one more door knob on the spare bedroom door then on to the next project. I believe that is fixing the lawn mower for the summer mowing.
Today I worked out in my shop all day. First I sewed some arms and legs up that I had stuffed last night. Then I got out the fall patterns and cut out some hats, shirts and scarves for scarecrow wreaths. Hope to have a few of them done in the next few weeks. I will put one on ebay and one on Etsy. Hope people are in the fall mood LOL. I also have been working on some fall outfits for my dolls. I just need to get them all put together now.
I found some containers I bought at Cracker Barrel last fall. They are americana wash tubs I plan on drilling holes in the bottom of them and filling them with flowers for my front porch.
Well good night and "see" you all tomorrow.
Go to CHURCH in the morning
Friday, April 11, 2008
TGIF I guess
Well here it is another week has passed. Time is sure flying by. It was warm here today with rain off and on. Don went and gave blood this morning for his cardiologist. I worked in the house until after lunch and then I went to my shop and sewed doll bodies and clothes.
Not too exciting at our house today.
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
My new doll baby
Spring has arrived at my house
The flowers in the vase are my birthday flowers my good friend Cindy sent me. They are now 8 days old and still look pretty.
The side of my house is in full bloom with the daffodils so pretty and smell so bad. Have you ever smelled a daffodils? They stink!
Today I worked on some doll clothes and some legs for some bodies. We also went shopping and bought my parents their weekly groceries and took them over to them. Well enjoy the pictures and see you later
Thinking about having a doll giveaway on my blog. Keep checking back for more details in the future.
Monday, April 7, 2008
sunny monday and granny can't move
Oh the flower beds were calling my name today. It was sunny and 69 degrees. I opened all the windows in the house but woe is me I was too sore to work in my flower beds. My plans for today were to go into my stuido and sew doll bodies. What i actually did was laundry, vacuum, and cook blek. Oh well there is always tomorrow.
We have decided to go grocery shopping tomorrow so that will be another blek day. I do not enjoy grocery shopping at all.
I do know I am buying some junk food this week. I cooked chicken on the grill for dinner tonight. Baked french fries and green beans. Not an exciting meal but filling.
Talked to a couple of my daughters today and all is well with those families.
Hope some day to show some techniques here on my blog along with some dolls that will be for sale. My long range goal is to close my website and use my blog to sell my crafts.
first I need to learn how to work this blog thing better.
I received a wonderful surprise in the mail today. One of my prim friends from my ebay group country and primitive ladies group sent me a big envelope filled with grungy tags in it. Thank you Becky I appreciate them so much
Well got a late start on this tonight so toodles to all
Sunday, April 6, 2008
whew another day in the flower beds
Don found a condo to rent in Daytona beach the third week of June so now I am getting excited. After he made reservations and we grabbed a bite to eat and I do mean bite. It was not a good food day here at our house.
Then we went back out into the flower beds. Today we cleaned the shade garden up it is so pretty when I look out the window now. The hostas, bluebells, and tulips are all growing so fast. In fact the daffodil and the blue bells are blooming. Wellllll let me tell you I thought I was sore yesterday but tonight I doubt if I will sleep very much.
Then I downloaded my new virus protection onto my lap top, painted some doll faces on, and took pictures and listed one of them on my ebay. Thinking about putting the other one at Etsy.
Well that has been our Sunday this week. Really a good day.
Saturday, April 5, 2008
I have been tagged
by Marissa from simply sweet stitches or as I know her better Raggedycabin
anyway I have to tell 5 things about myself
1- Well I have lived at this same address in this same house for 36 years
2- My favorite time of year is the spring time when every thing is coming to life
3-I am the oldest child in my family
4- I love southern gospel music and concerts
5- I love the beach and the sound of the waves coming in
oh forgot I have to tag 5 people now
Carm of shweetdoodles
Ja Ja of somewhere only we know
Leanne of harvest moon by the lake
sherry of anniescupboard
cindy of homespunfromtheheart
Sunny Saturday in the flower beds
It was beautiful here today. Sunny, a bit chilly, but the sun was out all day long. So after I ate my lunch(I am not a morning person at all) I got the old garden gym shoes on, the old sweats, and two jackets. Two so I could peel one off when I got too hot. Started in the front flower bed that is in the middle of our yard. Well in the fall we put hay bales in it with scarecrows and pumpkins, when that is over we spread the hay bales in the flower bed and put our nativity scene on it for Christmas. Well after that we just let it lay there until spring and that is the mess I cleaned up first with a pitch fork. Had to be careful not to break the tulips off that were coming up. Well talk about an out of shape old lady. Whew I think I rested more then I raked.
Then Don came out and we worked together. Got some done today most all around the house but not all.
It always amazes me how all the flowers come up at just the right time each year. I love spring. It is my favorite time of the year.
Our neighbors were out in their back yard all day cleaning their pond out and putting the pond plants in. The guppies are already about as long as my little finger. Really early this year we have not even been able to hear the frogs courting this year.
Well we have warm weather predicted all next week so I will be gardening more then crafting.
Just need to add this note at the end I can hardly move tonight and soaked in a hot tub of water. Going to go look for the heating pad right now
good night and "see" you all tomorrow
Friday, April 4, 2008
A hard day of work in my studio
Today was a nice day to just slop around in my sweats and craft. I went to my studio after lunch and there were two little ladies out their impatiently waiting to have their pictures taken. Well I cut out 7 more doll bodies, 14 legs, and 14 arms. I cut out 3 new americana outfits for some naked bodies in here, then I sewed those outfits up and brought them in my house. That is because I dress my dolls while
we watch tv here in the evenings. Then I got the bright idea to try and take a new group picture of some of my dolls. It didn't turn out very good so I will try again at a later date.I never did get any legs painted there they lay all in a heap just waiting on me to get to them,
Hummm there is always tomorrow. I did take the little ladies pictures and one is listed on my ebay and the other in my Etsy shop. I have the links to my shops over on the right hand side .
Thursday, April 3, 2008
A rainy day at my house
Well the weather man was right. Well almost right anyway. It was gloomy here most of the day and didn't start raining until later this evening. Well I didn't get to craft much today why??? well for one thing I needed to do laundry so we would have some clothes to wear tomorrow. And we needed to visit my mother in law. She lives in the city of Dayton about 25 minutes from here. We stayed there for awhile and then left to come home. Well I sure didn't want to cook tonight however I did wind up cooking. I put some ham steaks on the grill, baked a couple of potatoes, and I had brocolli.
I am really trying hard to learn this blogging and thanks to some friends at prim mart http://www.primmartcommunity.com/forum/ and my good buddy Debbie at Simple country Blessings http://simplecountryblessings.blogspot.com/ I was able to put a few links for other crafting blogs in here and sure have a lot more to come. I think I am one of the last crafters to have a blog.
now on with my "exciting" day. After we ate dinner we went to my parents and delivered a computer chair. My mother has her computer set up now to play card games on and needed some place to sit. Mind you for those that do not know my parents are 84 and 86 and each have their own computers.
Well tomorrow is another day and I know I am not getting dressed all day and I am going to my studio and work. I have two dolls that need their pictures taken and I need to make some outfits for some doll bodies laying here naked. Good night and hope you return for more exciting episodes in my life
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
The day after my birthday
Well yesterday was my 62 birthday. Humm I do not feel any older. Well the sun was out today and the wind died down a little. I am getting really anxious to get out into my flower beds. Just heard the weather report and it is going to be a rainy day tomorrow so I guess I will be sewing doll clothes, painting legs and boots and mittens on snowmen.
It should be fun. My daughers live in Tennessee and we will all three going to do this show for the first time this year. I am rather nervous about it. I just hope physically I can do a week long show.
I am new to blogging so I hope I can make this interesting.