Monday, August 17, 2009

Last of my scheduled auctions for falloween

Here is the last of my scheduled auctions for the CPLG FALLOWEEN THEME AUCTIONS. I have 10 items scheduled to start on Thursday, August 20 and Friday, August 21. This is a doll I made from a pattern of sew many prims. She was a lot of work (for me) and this is the first time I have ever made one and listed it to sell. IF AND that is a BIG IF. she does not sell she will be staying here at our home to live. Hope you all come and visit all our really great fall auctions.


Cotton Eyed Jo said...

Both blogs are gorgeous! and the new little doll with pumpkin collar out to do really well! She is a Q-T-Pie!

Janna~Country Creek Creations said...

Awww Pat she came out adorable. Love her. I can see why you would choose to keep her. :)

Rita Vermeersch said...

I enjoy wathing your blog with all those lovely dolls.
Many regards from the canary Islands