We were just talking last night about blogs and I told my husband I had one but have not been on it for YEARS. So here I am after I found it and changed my password so I could access it. I am trying to clean it up , update it, get rid of links that no longer work. I promise (chuckle) I will try to keep it more updated. TRY is the key word here. We now reside in the beautiful sunshine state. We purchased a small condo in Port Charlotte fl. This is the same town we visited a lot in our younger years. My parents and my only living brother lived here most of my life. My parents have both passed on and my brother now lives in N. Fl. We used to love this area but had not been back since hurricane Charlie hit it about 10 or 11 years ago. We made a trek down here last fall and found we still loved the area. We purchased our condo then, lived here last winter and decided to just move!!! Sounds a whole lot easier then it was. We lived in our home up north for 42 years. You can just imagine all the *stuff* we had to get rid of. So glad that is all over. Maybe I will write more about it later. A lot has happened in our lives since I have last posted on here. I will share a bit here and there. I am looking forward to getting back into my crafting again. It has been a very long time since I have been able to concentrate on it. I sold a lot of my patterns and fabrics to move. I do still have quite a lot of it left but now it has to be in a storage unit instead of my studio. Getting ready to sign up for a quilting class the first of the year. Toodles and have a great day must go prepare for our new furniture delivery
Wednesday, November 19, 2014
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Little of this Little of that
Ok I am trying to keep you updated with my *yawn* boring life. I was in my shop today painting faces, sewing doll clothes, and well you will see just taking this and that pictures. IF* and I know it will* the snow ever goes away and IF *I know it will* the sun ever comes out again I will be able to get out of this house and go ???? who cares anywhere. Although I am getting tired of just going to the grocery store. I am ready for a trip to florida and visit some family and friends but gotta wait until the interstate is just a bit cleaner. So here are the pictures I took today in my little world.
Here is a picture of a dress I am finishing that goes on a sock monkey doll
Ok here are some dolls waiting patiently to be put up for sale. They have been so good just sitting there waiting for picture taking.
Ok this is what I should be doing BUT I am not. shame shame shame on me
Here she is laying there. I just finished her face and now she is listed on ebay waiting for a new home. Want to bid on her??? Here is where you need to click YELLOWSWEETPOTATO
Just thought I would take a picture of Don's star trek pez's he got for Christmas. Aren't they cute????
Monday, February 15, 2010
Now it is winter
My goodness it has been so long since I have been in here. Since I have last been here Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years Eve and valentines day have passed. Not much new in my life. I am still sewing my dolls and listing them on ebay. However my plans are to just list on Etsy in the future as soon as I figure my pay pal and shipping out. Hopefully I can talk my son into helping me, I will post some pictures of our snow, some dolls I have been working on and odds and ends. I hope to keep this blog updated a lot better then I have in the past.
In our back yard. Maybe it was pretty a few weeks ago but now we are just plain tired of it.This is our front porch where we love to sit and enjoy the summer
Now here are pictures of some of the dolls I have been working on and selling on ebay since the first of the year. These are from patterns of sweet meadows farm.
Well you have caught up with me pretty much so I am off to fold a load of laundry and put hair on another sock monkey raggedy. I promise I will try harder to keep up with this. It is facebooks fault I am so busy with my farm on farmville well ..............
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Show time
Yes that is why I have not been on here. First my father has been sick and in and out of the hospital and rehab and second we have been in a remodeling mode in our home. So I have been cleaning up after my husband and myself. And last but not least I have been getting ready for my one and only craft show of the year. It is November 13 and 14. After that I will be having a house full of company for Thanksgiving. I will try to post some pictures of items for my craft show and my Thanksgiving celebration.
Monday, September 14, 2009
Last of the summer flowers
Sad to say but my summer flowers are fading away HOWEVER my all time favorite flowers are blooming. I just love mums and last winter most of mine died out. Judi(my neighbor) got me three of them for watering her flowers while they were on vacation. Her flowers are like a huge park I will post pictures some day. Meanwhile I walked around the yard and snapped some pictures. The pool has its winter cover on it now and the mums are blooming but my gourds just keep on vining.
Don and Lily enjoying the warm fall sunshine while eating lunch
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Last trip for the year 2009(maybe)
Well I must say this has been one busy summer with traveling and company. We have five children all over the USA. This summer we visited each one EXCEPT Donna. Now Donna lives about 45 minutes from us. This last weekend of summer we visited our son,Andy and his lovely family. They live in Clarkston Michigan. They have moved into a beautiful condo since we have been up there last. This is the living room and this is the dining area
What did we do???? Not much of anything really. Visited a flea market~~I love going to those kind of things~~ This is Colin and Jacob getting in the car to go to flea market. Notice their excitementHere we are at the flea market fun fun fun*to me anyways*
and on Labor Day my daughter in laws family came over with us and Andy smoked pork all night,This is corn on the cob on the grill. Probably the BEST corn I have ever eaten in 63years of my life
Andy and Melanie just cooking and making sure all is ready Melanie cooked some fab side dishes and cleaned up after ANDY
and we had a great visit and great food. OH their friend Lisa(a professional Photographer) came over and we had family pictures made. I did not see the results but I am pretty sure I looked like a q tip with a big tent on for a blouse.
Then our trip was over. Here we all are getting ready to leave to our individual locations. Jacob and Colin to their first day of school. I took a picture of their bright new shoes on the way out the door.A family picture of Andy ready for work, Melanie ready to deliver the boys to school and then deliver her Avon orders to her customers and Jacob and Colin all ready for that first day of school.
COLIN getting in the car to go to the first day of school 2009-2010
JACOB getting in the car for his first day of school
So now we are home again for a while but GATLINBURG is starting to call my name. HUMMMM maybe after a little rest I will feel like traveling again hUMMMM we'll see what Don has to say about that.